A mud pie kitchen can be messy but it can also be great fun, what child doesn’t love mixing up a mud pie? For younger children, mud kitchens can also provide a whole variety of different learning opportunities including sensory, imaginative, creative, and exploratory play. Being outdoors gives children the chance to connect and learn about nature, to be creative and invent their own role-play games, and can even allow opportunities for early maths and science activities. Mud kitchens are recognized as a key activity for younger children for forest school, a philosophy that is becoming increasingly due to the benefits of allowing all children to develop self-esteem through outdoor learning. Mud kitchens offer so much more than just the chance to explore mud and get messy. Playing outdoors in this way helps to increase confidence and gives the chance for creativity, role play, collaboration, and communication. Most importantly, whilst outdoors in a mud kitchen, you will notice that children are rarely anything other than happy and contented. The mud pie Kitchen is for conducting everyday science experiments which form a regular part of the school curriculum. A testing arena of unrestrained experiments, the FUN Kitchen provides an environment of freedom and creativity with enjoyment as the main ingredient.